You can create and save multiple Color Palettes : in Linearity Curve (formerly Vectornator) and add or delete singular colors, including gradients from your Color Palette. Additionally, you can set a Primary Palette in the Color Picker menu.
You can also import a Color Palette by selecting the file directly from the Color Picker menu.
You have two options available to access the Palettes Tab. You can click the Color Well of the Fill or Stroke Mode inside the Color Widget or the Stroke or Fill Color Well inside the Inspector. The two panels (Color Widget & Inspector) cannot be simultaneously opened on the Linearity Curve Mac software.
The Color Palettes Tab
You can organize your workflow's handling of Color Palettes inside the Color Palettes Tab. You can access this tab from the Color Widget or the Inspector. The Color Palettes Tab is the second Tab from the right.
Here, you can set the following attributes:
- Set the Primary Color Palette
- Search for saved Color Palettes
- Access the Linearity Default Color Palettes.
- Rename, Create, Import Color Palettes, and Create a Color Palette From a Photo.
The Default Color Palettes
After you’ve installed Linearity Curve, you will automatically get our new Default Color Palettes, such as Essentials, Rainbow Power, Cotton Candy, Tokyo Neons, Lost in Space, Mother Nature, Sunset Burn, Ocean Blue, Hot Desert, Vintage Dream, Berlin Grays, Skin Deep and many more.
The Default Palettes are accessible in the Palettes Tab. Once deleted, the Default Palettes can’t be restored from the Linearity Curve software.
Create a Color Palette
To add a new Color Palette in Linearity Curve on Mac, move to the Palettes Tab by clicking “Palettes” (1) inside the Color Panel.
At the top right corner of this window, the + button (2) is located. This button enables you to create a new Color Palette. Click the + button and choose Create (3) in the popup menu.
A new empty, greyed-out Color Palette (4) appears at the bottom of the Palettes Tab. To add the first color to your newly created Color Palette, click the + button (5) at the beginning of the Palette bar. The color displayed in the Color Well will be automatically added to your Color Palette.
Switch to the Color Picker (or Sliders to enter specific colors in HEX, RGB, or HSB Space) to add new colors to your Color Palette. After selecting the color, return to the Palettes Tab and click the + button inside the palette you created again. A new color swatch will appear automatically inside the palette. Repeat the process to add more colors to your Color Palette.
If you want to add a gradient to your Color Palette, repeat the steps above but set a gradient with the Gradient Slider menu instead of picking a monochromatic color.
Create a custom Color Palette from a photo
You can create a custom Color Palette by extracting colors from images in the Photos App since the 4.8.2 update.
Open the Color Panel, and in the Palettes Tab, you can see your Palettes. Click the + symbol in the top right corner and select From Photo.
When you click From Photo, you can access the Photos App to view all your saved images. Click on an image to extract a palette from its colors.
Linearity Curve extracts six randomly chosen color swatches from the selected image. Linearity Curve automatically adds a new custom-made palette with the 📷 icon as its title. You can rename the palette by clicking the three-dot button and selecting Rename.
Set the Primary Color Palette
To optimize your workflow using colors, you can set your new Palette as the Primary Palette. That way, the colors will be directly displayed at the bottom of your Color Picker.
To set a Color Palette as the Primary Palette, click on the ... button in the Palettes Tab and choose the option Set as Primary. A “star” icon will appear on the right of the palette’s name so that you will immediately recognize which one is your Primary palette.
In this menu, you can also rename the Color Palette. To do so, click the ... button in the Palettes Tab again and choose Rename.
Delete a Color Palette
You can delete a specific Color Palette by clicking the ... button on the right of your Palette and then selecting Delete.
Remember that this is a destructive action. Once you click Delete, the complete data of the Color Palette inside Linearity Curve will be deleted. The only option to restore the palette is by re-importing the previously saved Color Palettes in the swatches or ASE format.
If the Color Palette was directly created in Linearity Curve, the Color Palette will be irrevocably deleted and thus cannot be restored.