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Creative Marketing Presentation Template



Design details

This slide template is a great fit for brands wanting to tell their story with impact. It combines bold text and contrasting colors with a trendy image, making it stand out for marketing presentations.

With Linearity Curve, you can easily tweak this template to match your brand's style. Change up the colors, swap out images, and edit the text to make it your own. Plus, Linearity Move lets you add animations, making your presentation even more engaging.

This set of slides is more than just a visual aid, it's a way to make your marketing message louder and connect with your audience through a memorable visual experience.

Published on:





Entertainment, Ad banners


Geometric, Photographic, Typography, Happy

How to download Linearity Curve Templates

  • Click 'Open Template', and your chosen design will download.
  • Open the file in your Mac (or iPad) Downloads folder.
  • With Linearity Curve installed, the template appears in your Linearity Cloud Gallery.
  • No Linearity Curve yet? Create your Linearity Account and get started for free.

How to use Linearity Curve Templates

It’s important to remember that all the elements within our templates are fully customizable, so feel free to use as much or as little of the already existing layout, colors, fonts, images, and shapes as desired.
Also, leverage all our intuitive tools - Brush tool, Pen tool, Shape Builder tool, Auto Trace, Background Removal, and so much more. Let our templates be the starting point for your limitless creativity

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