Inbetweens (also known as "interpolations" or "tweening") are frames in an animation sequence that are drawn between two key poses to create the illusion of motion. In other words, in-betweens are the frames that fill in the gaps between the key poses in animation, creating a smooth transition from one pose to the next.
Creating in-betweens is essential to traditional hand-drawn animation, where animators draw each animation frame by hand. The animator creates the key poses first and draws the in-betweens to create a fluid and natural movement. In modern computer animation software, in-betweens are generated automatically using software tools, but the principle is the same - to create a seamless transition between key poses.
The quality of inbetweens is crucial to the overall quality of animation. Poorly drawn or poorly timed inbetweens can result in jerky, unnatural movement that detracts from the illusion of motion. On the other hand, well-drawn and well-timed inbetweens can create a smooth, lifelike animation that captures the essence of the character or object being animated.
In summary, inbetweens are the frames that are drawn between key poses to create a seamless transition in an animation.
They are an essential element of traditional hand-drawn animation and modern computer animation alike, and their quality plays a significant role in the overall quality of animation.
Isolate State
The Isolation State is used to edit objects or paths within a mask, compound path, or group. When you enter the Isolate State, anything not within the isolated object will appear dimmed out. To enter Isolate State, double-tap / click the object you want to edit. Then, repeat the action to exit.