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Vectornator & Unsplash

By Ben Barnhart
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2 minutes
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Hello Vectornators,

In the past weeks, we revealed some of the amazing features coming with our next major update: Vectornator X4.

Today, we have the pleasure to present one more!

Unsplash Integration

Yes, you read that right! As the title suggests, Unsplash Integration is coming to Vectornator. For those who don’t know, Unsplash is the internet’s hottest library of free high-resolution images.

In the past years, it has become the number one spot for millions of creators around the world searching for beautiful and usable imagery. This is no coincidence since Unsplash has a massive growing library of hand-selected high-quality images.

And it gets better, thanks to thousands of generous photographers around the world, all images are absolutely free! For personal and commercial works, no attribution required! (but people when possible let’s give props to who deserve props)

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Save time and meet deadlines

The frustrating days of leaving your artwork to painstakingly search and manually download images have finally come to an end. This new integration will save time and keep you on the flow while working on your visual projects on Vectornator.

Soon you’ll have over 1 million free high-resolution images on the tip of your fingers, pens, or clicks :) to include on your illustrations, interfaces, collages, and so on! Without ever having to leave Vectornator again. No Unsplash account is necessary.

Fuel to your creativity

It does not matter if you need an image for your project or simply miss nature. While designing, at any time, you can easily do a keyword search and get an instant list full of relevant gorgeous images ready for choosing!  All these beautiful photos will get you inspired and boost your creativity.

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Easy, right?

  1. Simply navigate to the Import Tab.
  2. Click on the Unsplash icon at the bottom (coming soon)
  3. Do a keyword search
  4. Tap the desired image
  5. The picture magically appears on your document canvas.

Greetings from the Vectornator team!‍ We look forward to seeing all the amazing things you are going to make!

Ben Barnhart

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Content Lead

Ben is a Content Lead for Linearity living in Berlin. His hobbies include board games, cooking, reading, and writing.

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