Any vector object in Linearity Curve has adjustable color properties. You can access and change these color properties by using the Color Panel inside the Style Tab on the right side of your iPad screen, or you can use the Color Widget located at the bottom of the Toolbar.
The Stroke section of Linearity Curve is located inside the Style Tab on the right side of your iPad screen.
Here, you can edit the Stroke Width, change the color parameters via the Color Picker, swap your Brush modes, change the HEX Color, and even create a dashed line along your path. Additionally, you can modify the end segments and intersections of your path.
A - Here, you can change the color of your path, access the Color Picker, set the HEX Color, or use the Eyedropper and set the numeric alpha value percentage.
B – Here, you can set the Stroke Width of your selected path.
C – You can switch between Regular and Brush Mode in this menu.
D - Set the position of your stroke on the path.
E – Change the Arrows of the end segments of your selected path.
F – Edit the Cap and Join intersections of your selected path or shape.
G – Create a Dashed Line along your selected path (you can specify the length of the dashes and the number of gaps between dashes).
Path arrows
You have two separate dropdown menus (E) available to change either the Start or the End segment of your path inside the Stroke Options Tab.
To access this tab, tap the icon at the bottom right of the Stroke section.
You have the option to choose two different End Segment styles for one single path.
Outline stroke
Outline stroke is a simple way to convert any path with a thick stroke into an object and then use it as a building block in your designs.
To outline a stroke in Linearity Curve (formerly Vectornator), select any shape with a border and tap the Outline button to turn that stroke into a filled shape.
Outline stroke is a destructive operation.
Dashed strokes
You can create dotted lines in Linearity Curve in a few steps:
- First, draw a line with the Pen , Line , Pencil Tool using only stroke on .
You can create a straight line, a curved line, or an entire shape. - Once you’re satisfied with the line, go to the Style Tab and open the Stroke section and tap the icon to access more options. Here, you can adjust all your stroke settings, from the stroke width to the cap shape and color, including the dash and caps.
- Now select a rounded gap to achieve a dotted line. To change the stroke into a dotted or dashed line, go to the “Dash” section in your stroke menu.
- Insert a value into the box on the left. This will determine the length of each dot or dash. You can choose any value to begin and adjust this as needed as you go.
- Now move over to the “Gap” section in your stroke menu and enter a value into the box on the left. This will determine the gap size between your dots or dashes.
To make all dots equal in size, with equal gap distances between them, make both boxes under “Dash,” and “Gap” have the same values.
To create variety in your pattern, you can adjust the values in each box to create different gap sizes and dash lengths.
Once you’ve created your desired dotted stroke, you can select any of the same tools to draw with it. This makes it very easy to create dotted shapes such as a line, square, or circle.
Stroke and fill memory
Linearity Curve remembers your tools’ last stroke and fill status. That means you don’t have to manually reset the color properties whenever you change tools, which speeds up your workflow and helps keep designs consistent.
Offset Path
The Offset Path tool creates a duplicate of the original shape at a different scale value. The Offset Path is a replica shape that is evenly distanced from the center of the original shape. The resulting offset path is a compound path.
How to create an Offset Path
If you want to create an offset path on the iPad in Linearity Curve, go to the Path section located inside the Inspector. At the bottom of the feature list, tap Offset Path .
The resulting distance between the original shape and the offset path is determined by a numerical value. A positive value will cause the Offset Path to expand beyond the selected shape, while a negative value will make it retract inside the original shape. For instance, applying a value of 10px will cause the path to extend beyond the original shape by 10 pixels, whereas applying a value of -10px will retract the path by 10 pixels from the original shape.
Tap on Create Offset Path to generate the offset path. The fill and color stroke color of the Offset Path shape can be changed afterward.
The “Joints” field allows you to edit the angles of your newly created offset path. You have three joint options available:
- The “Miter” option creates a sharp corner.
- “Round”, as the name suggests, creates a rounded corner.
- The “Bevel” joint option creates a flat corner.
You can select multiple shapes and apply the Offset Path operation to them all at once.
Related video
How to design a logo
Learn how to create this logo in Linearity Curve using Offset Path.