Linearity Curve (formerly Vectornator) is a robust marketing design software that offers an extensive array of tools and features, enabling the creation of breathtaking designs such as online ads and illustrations.
A crucial aspect of working with designs is efficiently using layers and artboards. These features empower designers to organize their elements effectively and explore multiple design concepts within a single document.
Organizing layers
With Linearity Curve, managing and creating multiple layers becomes effortless. You can swiftly rearrange and modify layers to achieve your desired design outcome. Moreover, layers provide the ability to apply distinct effects and styles to specific elements, facilitating the creation of intricate and dynamic compositions with ease.
Layers help you and your team create and organize complex assets and access more advanced features such as masks, groups, and nested objects. A clear and intuitive layer structure and hierarchy with precise navigation are indispensable to creating artwork on a professional level.
The Layers Tab is the second tab from the left in the Inspector. You can access, create, and organize all your Layers and Artboards from this tab.
Add a new layer
Inside the header section of the Layers Tab, tap the icon, and in the opening popover menu, select New Layer to add a new layer.
The newly created layer will be inserted above the active layer by default.
You can change the layer insertion behavior in the Preferences. You can set in the Canvas settings if the newly created layer is inserted above the selected elements or at the top of the active layer. Go to Settings, select the Canvas window, and choose one of the Insert Elements options mentioned above.
Delete a layer
Select the element you want to delete, and then swipe to the left and tap Delete to remove the element from your document.
Swipe to the left to delete all the elements contained in your layer. But be careful because this operation cannot be reversed.
Select layers
You can select any element on the canvas by tapping on it. A bounding box will appear on the selected element, and the Layers Tab will automatically scroll up or down to the selected element, highlighted in blue.
Another option is to select any element by directly tapping on its name in the Layers Tab . Again, the bounding box appears on the selected element, and the layer is highlighted in orange in the Layers Tab.
You have several options available in Curve to select multiple elements at once:
One option is to use the newly introduced Select button located at the top left corner of the Layers Tab. If you tap the button the Multi-Select Mode will be activated. After tapping the Select button tap each element you want to add to your selection.
You can’t select a parent layer and a child layer simultaneously. But you can select multiple child layers. You can even select multiple child layers from different parent layers.
Alternatively, you can swipe from left to right along an element's name in the Layers Tab to select more than one element at once. Swipe from left to right to select a Layer, then repeat the action on the additional element you want to select.
Swipe again from left to right on the selected Layer to deselect it.
You have a third option available to multi-select elements inside the Layers Tab on iPad and iPhone. Just drag two fingers on top of the Layers. This allows you to select multiple layers in a row.
⚠️ This option is disabled on iOS 14.
The last and final option to select multiple layers is by using the Multi Select Mode . You can activate the mode from the Toolbar. Tap the elements you want to select from the canvas or the Layers Tab.
Select Nested Elements
Nested Elements allows you to group an infinite number of groups inside groups. To select a single element within the nested group, you can expand the group and then tap directly on the one you want to select.
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To avoid tapping countless times inside nested groups to select a specific element, you can activate the Click-Through Mode . This feature allows you to select the nested element you want directly with just one tap. To discover more about this feature, hop over to the Selection Tool section of our User Guide.
Move Layers
To move elements within layers, tap the element you want to move and hold and drag it to its new position.
You can move an element between two layers by dragging it between two layers and then releasing it. You can also move elements into different groups by selecting and then dragging them directly over the group and releasing them.
Furthermore, you can move multiple layers at once by selecting them individually before dragging them to another position in the layers stack. Another option is to group elements in the Layers list before moving them simultaneously as a unit.
Rename a layer
You can rename any layer or element. Navigate to the Layers Tab and double-tap on the element’s name to enter the Edit mode. Then, type your new title.
Since our 4.13.5 update, we have improved the naming system of elements (shapes and groups) located inside Artboards.
By default, shapes and groups are created with consecutive indexation, such as "Rectangle 1," "Rectangle 2," "Group 1," "Group 2," etc. The improved naming feature helps users manage and organize their designs by assigning individual names to each element.
Hide and show a layer
Tap the Hide /Show icon to toggle the visibility of your selected layers or sublayers on or off.
Lock a layer
Tap the Lock /Unlock icon to lock or unlock a Layer on the current Artboard. If a Layer is locked, it can't be moved or edited.
Adjust the layer Opacity
If you want to adjust the opacity of a layer, select the layer and enter a percentage value numerically into the corresponding Percentage Indicator field. Every element included within that layer will be affected by the adjustment of the opacity value.
Merge Layers
To merge layers in Vectornator, at least two or more layers must be selected simultaneously.
After you’ve selected the layers, two merging options are available:
- Drag & drop a layer on top of another layer - When you use this technique, the dragged and dropped layer will reside on top within the layer hierarchy.
- Select & long-press - Select the layers you want to merge, then long-press to activate the Context Menu and tap Merge Layers . The long-pressed layer will be considered the destination of the merging process.
If you want to merge your layers with the drag and drop technique you have two options available:
- Drag & drop one layer on top of another layer – Select and drag & drop a Parent Layer on top of another layer.
- Drag & drop a layer inside an open layer – Select a layer and then drag & drop it directly between the elements of an open layer.
- Drop a Parent Layer into a group – Select a layer and then drag & drop it directly into a group.
Duplicate a layer
If you want to duplicate a layer, select the layer you want to duplicate and tap the Duplicate button. A copy of your duplicated layer will be inserted above the original layer. This is an excellent method to make changes without affecting the original layer.
Export a layer
You can export a single layer with one tap and without having to leave your canvas or copy-paste your objects into a new document.
Select the layer you want to export and then tap Export. You can export the layer as a .jpg, .png, .svg, and .pdf file.
Isolate Active Layer
This feature allows you to visualize better the elements within the layer selected, it comes in handy, especially if you work with a lot of layers. While active, the AI will automatically focus on the layer you’re working on, and all the elements on other layers will be grayed out.
To activate it, open the Quick Settings by tapping the
When the Isolate Active Layer switch is enabled, only the paths placed in the active layer can be edited.