You can access Linearity Move’s Settings in the Mac top menu bar (Move → Settings), or by using the shortcut
Here, you can see or change your profile name, or change your password. In addition, you can log out of all devices, or delete your account.
In this tab, you can change Linearity Move’s theme. You can select Always Dark or Always Light, or check the box for “Follow System Theme” to link Linearity Moves theme to your devices theme settings.
In this tab, you can choose to allow or disallow In-App messages. These are small, helpful messages that will signal successful actions or warnings while you’re using Linearity Move.
Here, you can also change the size of the Thumbnail images that appear along the top of your project timeline.
Here, you can decide to keep iCloud Sync on or not. This is used for storing your saved custom brushes and palettes.