When every scroll, click, and glance counts, crafting an effective ad has never been more competitive. Whether you're an illustrator, a designer, or a marketer, understanding the intricate dance between creativity and strategy is the key to standing out and converting your audience.

This guide isn't about abstract theories or nebulous concepts. It's a practical, step-by-step guide through the world of ad creation. We want to equip you with the tools, insights, and strategies to craft ads that inspire action. 

We'll delve into the intricacies of understanding your potential clients, shaping a clear message, choosing the right platform, and harnessing the power of collaboration. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your creative journey, you'll find valuable insights to help you succeed.

Jumpstart your ideas with Linearity Curve

Take your designs to the next level.

8 steps to making an ad

One of the fundamental pillars of crafting a successful advertisement is a deep understanding of your target audience. Your ability to resonate with, connect to, and ultimately influence your audience hinges on your knowledge of their needs, preferences, and behaviors.

Essential reading: Did you know that by the end of 2024, digital advertising spend will reach $442.6 billion—almost 60% of global advertising spend? Or that advertisers on social platforms like Instagram Stories can reach over 500 million daily active users? Kickstart your advertising journey by deep-diving into our list of fascinating advertising statistics.

Knowing your market is the first step toward making an ad that converts, so let’s start by understanding who you are talking to in your advertising and what they want to hear from you. The customer, after all, is always right (right?)

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Step 1

Know your customers

Understanding your audience allows you to create content relevant to their lives, needs, and desires. Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, you can tailor your ad to specific demographics, behaviors, and interests, increasing the chances of your message reaching the right people.

For instance, knowing your audience's pain points, aspirations, and values means you can craft an emotionally resonant ad. Emotional connections drive action and loyalty (cue every emotionally devastating lost dog or pet ‘find your way home’ ad of all time).

For instance, if you're creating an advert for an educational program, like after-school tutorials, it's important to consider who the target market may be. It would be easy to think, in this instance, that the market would be targeting students. But the target market for this could easily be parents, or other teachers. They're likely the ones who will be following up on the advert and, most importantly, paying for the lessons.

While we're talking about education, did you know that individual educators or students get a 58% discount on Linearity's Pro Plan, bringing it to just $49 per year instead of $144.

Targeting the right audience also goes a long way toward saving resources. By targeting the right people, you can allocate your budget better, saving you precious time and money. Here are a few tips for conducting audience research and creating customer personas:

  • Surveys and questionnaires: Gather insights directly from your existing customer base or potential customers through online surveys and questionnaires. Ask about their preferences, pain points, and what influences their decisions.
  • Social media listening: Good ads respond to the time, so monitor social media platforms to understand the conversations, trends, and sentiments relevant to your industry or niche.
  • Competitor analysis: Study your competitors. Who are they targeting, and how are they engaging their audience?
  • Data analytics: Leverage data analytics to gather quantitative insights about your audience's behavior. Track website visits, click-through rates, and conversion data to identify patterns.
  • Create customer personas: Once you've gathered everything, start creating ‘customer personas’—detailed, fictional representations of your ideal customers.
Step 2

Define your ad's purpose and message

Now that we know who we’re talking to let’s work out what we want to say and how your client will understand it. It starts with defining a clear purpose and crafting a concise message across every aspect of your communications:

  • Engaging design: Your audience's preferences should guide the visual elements of your ad. For instance, if you're targeting a younger demographic, keep it relatable and vibrant, while an older audience may respond better to a more classic, mature aesthetic.
  • Tailored message: Craft your ad's message to address your audience's pain points and aspirations, but use a language and tone that resonates with them. If your audience values humor, say something they’ll find funny. Keep things formal if they’re looking for reliable professionalism.
Building your brand with stunning graphics and animations pays off. Linearity customers have seen a 30% productivity increase, and 20% content creation increase.
Step 3

Choose the right platform

The choice of advertising platform is a pivotal decision that can make or break your ad campaign. It profoundly influences your design, targeting options, and overall strategy. And it informs the types of ads you’ll be working on.

"The medium is the message"—Marshall McLuhan

Your platform dictates the canvas on which your ad will be displayed. Whether it's social media channels, print, digital, or any other medium, each has design considerations. 

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different advertising channels will help you make an informed choice. Consider the pros and cons of social media, print, and digital advertising:

Social media 

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) offer visually rich ad formats. Your design must be attention-grabbing and fit seamlessly into the user's feed. Images and videos often take center stage, demanding high-quality visuals and compelling storytelling.

Working in tech? Linearity equips tech companies with vector editing and animation tools to lead in content marketing. Linearity transforms static into dynamic and amplifies your online presence. 

Oreo's Dunk in the Dark (2013) campaign on Twitter did this really well:

During the 2013 Super Bowl blackout, Oreo seized the moment with a clever, real-time tweet. Their simple message, "You can still dunk in the dark," went viral, showcasing the power of timeliness and relevance on social media.

Essential reading: Did you know that social media marketing is regarded as highly influential by approximately 73% of marketers? For more eye-opening facts and figures from the marketing world, head to Linearity’s 250 key marketing statistics.
  • Social media:
    • Strengths: High user engagement, precise audience targeting, and the ability to leverage social sharing for organic reach.
    • Weaknesses: Crowded space, user ad fatigue, and evolving algorithms that can affect visibility.


Print advertising in magazines, newspapers, or billboards relies on static visuals. Design elements must be striking and legible and convey the message effectively within a fixed space.

Apple's Shot on iPhone campaign:

Apple's Shot on iPhone print campaign showcased stunning user-generated photography. These ads leveraged the beauty of print to feature captivating visuals and authentic stories.

Shot on iPhone ad + Linearity
Image source: Shot on iPhone adsoftheworld
Shot on iPhone ad + Linearity
Image source: Shot on iPhone adsoftheworld
Shot on iPhone ad + Linearity
Image source: Shot on iPhone adsoftheworld
Pro tip: Get some insider advice on improving your marketing strategy through visual design with Linearity Curve’s guide to 7 ways marketing design will boost your brand.
  • Print:
    • Strengths: Tangible, enduring presence, often trusted by readers, and an opportunity for creative, visually impactful design.
    • Weaknesses: Limited reach, inability to track engagement, and difficulty in A/B testing variations.


Digital advertising encompasses various formats, from banner ads to interactive web experiences. Here, design versatility is key. Interactive elements, animations, and responsive designs may be necessary to engage users effectively.

We love how Nike did this in their Dream Crazy campaign:

Nike's ad featuring Colin Kaepernick sparked conversations and controversy. By embracing digital channels, they reached a global audience and created a powerful, polarizing message that resonated with their brand ethos.

Choosing the right platform is a strategic decision that should align with your campaign objectives, target audience, and budget. Fortunately, Linearity's intuitive software revolutionizes how marketing teams conceptualize and design, cutting design time by half. 

  • Digital:
    • Strengths: Wide reach, real-time performance tracking, and the ability to personalize content based on user behavior.
    • Weaknesses: Ad blockers, banner blindness, and competition for user attention in a cluttered online space.

With Linearity Curve, the design process becomes intuitive and enjoyable. For this tutorial, we'll customize a Linearity Curve design template on a Macbook.

Get creative with our ready-to-use templates.

Linearity Curve offers templates for every social media platform and various use case templates for posters, business cards, slides, app store screenshots, and more.

Step 4

Create a new document in Curve

In Linearity Curve, start a new project and select the Artboard size that suits your channel.

From square Instagram stories to portrait-orientation Facebook posts, Linearity has all the formats you need set up in advance, making the start of your advertising process easy, fast, and fun.  Remember, the digital format allows for flexibility in layout and design, so feel free to experiment. 

Pro tip: Learn how to approach social media design and separate the thumb-stopping content from the doom-scrolling abyss. Check out the do's and don'ts of social media post design.

To move even quicker, we’ll make an advert for Instagram using one of Linearity’s template designs. We tried the Pastel Circles template, one of the thousands of free Linearity Curve templates available.

We started with the Instagram post template, but within this template design, there are options for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even LinkedIn. Select the correct template design for your purposes. 

Step 5

Customize the template

Linearity Curve’s templates are 100% customizable, so start by tailoring the template you’ve selected to your brand. 

How to download Linearity Curve templates

  • Click 'Open Template', and your chosen design will download.
  • Open the file in your Mac (or iPad) Downloads folder.
  • With Linearity Curve installed, the template appears in your Linearity Cloud Gallery.
  • No Linearity Curve yet? Create your Linearity Account and get started for free.

Take a look at two social media ad templates below that will work great as the base for your adverts:

Update your colors

The pastel colors and sophisticated, book-ish fonts used in the Pastel Circles template will perfectly fit our Beyond Books brand and our planned campaign. The advertising tone and voice will resonate with the bookstore's slightly older, more educated customer base.  

Even the perfect template design should be customized to incorporate your brand’s identity and company style guide. You want your colors to be recognizable, appeal to your audience, and align with whatever elements your design may include, like images or illustrations. 

Pastel Circles template + Linearity
Choose the right template for your business, or campaign.
Whether it’s strokes, fill gradients, or any other element that demands color manipulation, Linearity Curve equips you with a comprehensive suite of tools to up your color game. Learn more about how color works in Linearity Curve with this helpful tutorial

Change your fonts

Updating the fonts in your Linearity template will create an ad that more closely resembles your unique brand and stand out from your competitors. Thankfully, Linearity Curve provides an extensive font library that makes it easy to find the perfect font for your needs. 

Linearity Curve’s Text Tool lets you easily select and customize the font, size, and color to match your brand's style guide. Don't be afraid to experiment with different fonts until you find the right one that perfectly captures your message and brand personality.
Step 6

Craft the visual elements

Visuals are the soul of any advertisement, but you wouldn't be here if you hadn't realized that. They can capture attention, convey messages, and leave a lasting impression. 

In this instance, Beyond Books has a ‘Big Blue Book Sale’, so we want something that says ‘Books’ and communicates the color blue. To find the perfect image, we’re using Linearity Curve’s integrated Unsplash Library, which boasts over 1 million royalty-free images you can use. 

Using this tool, you can easily find and use the perfect picture in your design without closing Curve to search the internet.

To find this feature, navigate to the Library Tab and locate the Unsplash option in the lower right corner. Type your search query in the search bar to find your desired image.

Browse the options and select the image that best suits your advert.

Step 7

Add compelling copy

If you want to save the world with great adverts, words are your superpowers. They’re the bridge that connects your audience to your message and inspires action. Compelling ad copy is the voice of your advertisement, and it serves several critical functions.

To add text to your Linearity Curve design, choose the Text Tool or edit the text on your template by selecting it directly using the Selection Tool

We updated the template text to include some copy that gets straight to the point. 

Because the audience enjoys reading, we also wanted to try a typography-based advert. So, we removed the images and played with the template layout to focus only on the text. 

Our final design
Step 8

Publish your ads

Creating a compelling ad is just the beginning. The final step is getting it out into the world where your audience can see it.

Choose the right timing

Timing matters in advertising, especially regarding social advertising. In the case of Instagram, for instance, we need to consider when our target audience is most active and receptive. Different days and times may yield varying results. For example, releasing your ad on a Friday evening might be optimal for promoting a weekend event.

Monitor and optimize in real-time

Once your ad is live, continuously monitor its performance in real-time. If you notice that some aspects of your campaign could perform better or that audience engagement could be better, be prepared to adjust swiftly.

Engage with your audience

Engage with your audience when they interact with your social ads. Respond to comments, answer questions, and encourage discussions. Building a rapport with your audience can enhance brand trust and loyalty and help you build a community. 

Remember to stay agile, adapt to changing circumstances, and refine your approach based on learning from each campaign. With persistence and the right strategies, your ads can, and should, continually evolve and deliver impactful results.

You just did it

It seemed daunting at the outset. But after a few simple steps, you made an ad that resonates, inspires action, and looks set to deliver results. Whether you're an illustrator, a designer, or a marketer, remember that success in advertising often comes from the marriage of creativity and strategy.

And that’s a skill that takes practice.

There’s never been a better time for you to explore Linearity Curve for your design and advertising needs. Its versatile tools and features can empower your creative process, helping you bring your vision to life with efficiency and flair. 

From over 3,000 inspiring templates, 1 million royalty-free images, and hundreds of tutorials and inspirational blog stories, Linearity Curve empowers you to create, innovate, and make lasting ads.

Jumpstart your ideas with Linearity Curve

Take your designs to the next level.

Frequently asked questions

Would making an ad help my business?

Creating an advertisement, whether for a product, service, or cause, offers many advantages that can significantly impact your business or project's success. Let's explore the key benefits of making an ad:

  1. Visibility and brand awareness: Advertising puts your message in front of your target audience. It's a powerful tool for increasing brand recognition and ensuring that your business or project is top-of-mind when potential customers or supporters are ready to decide.
  2. Audience engagement: An effective ad can engage your audience emotionally and intellectually. It can tell a story, evoke emotions, or provide valuable information. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember your message and take action.
  3. Driving sales and conversions: For businesses, ads can lead to increased sales and conversions. When done right, they can prompt potential customers to make a purchase, sign up for a service, or take another desired action.
  4. Building trust and credibility: A well-crafted ad can convey trustworthiness and credibility. It's an opportunity to highlight your expertise, showcase customer testimonials, or demonstrate your commitment to quality, which can instill confidence in your audience.
  5. Targeted marketing: With various advertising platforms and tools available, you can precisely target your ads to reach the most relevant audience. This minimizes wasted resources and ensures that your message reaches those most likely to respond positively.
  6. Competitive edge: In competitive markets, advertising can give you an edge. A compelling ad can differentiate your business or project from competitors, making you the preferred choice in the eyes of consumers.
  7. Message control: Advertising allows you to control your brand's narrative. You can craft and convey your message exactly as you want, ensuring your audience receives the intended information.
  8. Data and insights: Modern advertising platforms provide valuable data and insights into your ads' performance. This data can help you refine your strategy, optimize campaigns, and make data-driven decisions to improve results.
  9. Long-term impact: Effective ads can have a long-lasting impact. A memorable advertisement can continue influencing consumer behavior and attitudes long after its initial run.
  10. Supporting causes: For non-profit organizations and initiatives, advertising can be a powerful way to raise awareness, garner support, and drive donations for important causes.
  11. Creative expression: Beyond its practical benefits, advertising is a creative endeavor. It allows illustrators, designers, and marketers to collaborate and express their creativity while achieving concrete goals.

What’s the trick to writing compelling ad copy? 

To craft compelling ad copy, keep these tips in mind:

  • Know your audience: Understand your audience's pain points, desires, and preferences to tailor your message effectively. Example:
    • Nike: "Just Do It": This timeless tagline inspires action, encouraging individuals to overcome obstacles and pursue their goals.
  • Be concise: Avoid unnecessary words and get straight to the point. Avoid jargon or complex language. Example:
    • Apple: "Think Different": Apple's slogan celebrates innovation and non-conformity, aligning with the brand's identity.
  • Use emotional appeal: Appeal to your audience's emotions. Whether it's joy, fear, or empathy, emotions drive action. Example:
    • Coca-Cola: "Open Happiness": Coca-Cola's tagline associates the drink with joy, positivity, and shared moments